The growth of the fashion industry is one that has not gone unaffected by the popularity of leather. It is not possible to walk in the city and miss a person who is either wearing or carrying an item that is made of leather. This natural material is highly popular in the market. There are so many areas that you will obviously find leather applied......
Leathers in Ghana can be dyed in to different colors in order to suit the taste of consumers...... Colors such as red, black, white, pink,yellow,blue, per-pule among others are dyed and then made into artifacts such as leather bags,shoes,sandals,drums,belts.......
Skins of animals such as snakes,crocodiles,are preferred by most consumers because they are seen as durable and long lasting skins.........Again, it is a fact that some Muslims in the three northern part of Ghana namely,Upper East, Upper West,and the Northern Regions use the dried sheep skin leather for prayers after their EID-UL-ADHA festival celebrations......which is also known as the festival of sacrifice........Also, during this festival animals are fed and bathed so as to look very healthy before they are been sacrificed.....
sheep skin leather removed from the wear house about to be sold...... |
dried sheep skin leather...... |
dyed sheep leather......... |
dried crocodile leather about to be made in to an artifact....... |
Dried snake leather..... |
leather been made in to strings to be fixed on to the local drum............ |
A well made drum with a sheep skin leather covering it.......... |
Fair of sheep skin on the drum for producing a good sound....... |
Sheep skin sandal......... |
A mixture of white and brown sheep skin sandals....... |
Smooth leather sandals....... |
Different colors of skin sandals........ |
Photograph by ABDUL RAHMAN
A well snake leather bag and smooth leather belts....... |
A welled colored leather bag....... |
More so,i intend to high light some reasons why people preferred leather artifacts to any other wears.......or why they wear the leather products ...........